Step 1: Once signed up, we’ll show you just how easy it is to get set up. Click the “Great. Let’s get started” button.

Step 2: This simply allows you to forward the emails you need straight to us. Here, what you need to do is forward a sample email that you’ll want to be parsed. It has some random characters preceding the “,” but what you need to do is copy that email address and forward a sample email.

Step 3: Once you’ve sent that email, revert to your Parserr inbox and click “Refresh this page” near the bottom.

Step 4: Upon clicking, “Great! Let’s create some rules,” you’ll be redirected to a screen from which you should choose your plan. Depending on the plan you’ve chosen, you’ll be given a single email inbox or more. All plans come with a free trial for 30 days.

Step 5: In order to help you as best we can, we’ll ask you a few more questions about what you’re trying to extract. Answering these to the best of your knowledge will make Parserr a breeze! First, what part of the email are you wanting to parse? This is addressed by the email attribute you’re trying to parse data from

Step 6: To create a rule, scroll to the bottom and click the green plus icon. This option comes with several options informed by how and the type of data you want to extract.

Step 7: Will you use any integration tools? These allow you to take your parsed data and easily feed it into hundreds of different apps. Although it’s not a problem if you have never used any of them.

Step 8: Last onboarding question – where are you trying to get your data? It’s okay if you just want to download it in a handy Excel file too. Just pick the first option. Otherwise, we have numerous integrations that could help you. You may be greeted by the following screen. If you’re not, don’t worry. This screen just means we can automatically parse some of your rules. Trust us, save some time and pick some rules. It makes extracting your data way easier!

Note: Creating rules can be hard, but once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite easy. To help you understand how best to create rules, we’ve created a couple of videos to illustrate how easy it can be:
How to Parse! from Parserr on Vimeo